Fire & Emergency Courses

Confine small emergencies in a facility
This unit covers the competency required to confine small workplace emergencies. Small workplace emergencies may include such incidents;
- as a small fire that can be controlled using a nearby fire extinguisher, or
- a chemical spill that can be controlled using workplace personal protective clothing and equipment, and a small spill kit, or
- a workplace vehicle accident where there is no significant injury or damage.
Fire Extinguishers
As an important part of fire safety training, the correct use of a fire extinguisher is a common part of training for most companies as part of their OHS/WHS requirements.
Our course give the student the knowledge and confidence to urs a fire extinguisher should the need arise.

Operate As Part Of An Emergency Control Organisation
This unit covers the competency required to implement the emergency response specified in the workplace emergency procedures or specified by a person at a higher level in the emergency control organisation.
People who undertake this work will be working within the command, control and coordinate structure of the emergency control organisation. This unit has been developed to cover the broad range of emergencies and workplaces as considered in Australian Standard 3745-2010.
Lead An Emergency Control Organisation
This unit covers the competency required to make decisions about people’s safety during a workplace emergency and to give instructions on the priority order for responding to the emergency incident area.
This unit has been developed to cover the broad range of emergencies and workplaces as considered in Australian Standard 3745-2010.

PUAFER005 & PUAFER006 Skill Set
Operate As Part Of & Lead An Emergency Control Organisation
The course applies to individuals who may be required to make decisions about the safety of occupants of a facility during an emergency and to give instructions on the priority order for responding to an emergency incident, including command, control and coordination of facility emergency response procedures and concluding the facility emergency incident.

Training and assessment delivered on behalf of Allens Training Pty Ltd RTO 90909